Blog Archives

Monday Happy Hour: Slow Work Day Monday

Ironically, an empanada-making competition is also part of being a trialist under Sigi Schmid.

No holiday off here at g4s central, but it has been a slow work day so have been able to read a bunch and share some favorite links from the day with you.

Meet Jorge, Our New Portland Timbers Writer…

My name is Jorge and I am a proud Portland Timbers supporter from Rhode Island. Now people must be thinking to themselves, “How are you a timbers fan but live in Rhode Island?” Good question and I’ll explain to you how I became a Timbers fan.

It all started last year during my senior year of college. I was watching a match on TV between the Timbers and the Revolution. I watched the entire 90 minute match and fell in love with the Timbers. Their determination and being able to go against a great team that has been around for a while intrigued me. I also liked the fact that they were the newest team in the league and I respected them for that. After that soccer match I fell in love with the team watching every game on my computer and cheering them on. read more…