Blog Archives

Wednesday Happy Hour: Jimmy Conrad for 2013 SI Swimsuit Issue!

Jimmy Conrad has a new YouTube show and he and his guest discuss many things including Alex Morgan in Sports Illustrated this week. Jimmy wonders aloud how he’d look in body paint and Grant has a disturbing suggestion on who should take that fashion step.

More on the Crew’s new sponsor and our new favorite feline after the jump.

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Tuesday Happy Hour: The Swimsuit Issue

David Testo, Ambiente Magazine

Ah yes, it’s that time of the winter when Sports Illustrated releases their annual Swimsuit Issue and late night talk shows and morning “news” shows become overrun with skimpily-dressed models. Soccer fans’ Twitter feeds have been particularly flooded with Swimsuit Issue chatter with the USWNT’s Alex Morgan donning only body paint for a feature in the magazine.

So for those of us not particularly interested in seeing bikini-clad women everywhere we look during SI’s annual media blitz, we bring you our swimsuit gallery after the jump.

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